So here is a short tutorial on how to get Squishy the Suicidal Pig v Keep in mind, you will need to actually have Squishy on your Steam Account. Alright, let’s go.

  1. Make sure you have Squishy installed.
  2. Click here and allow to the command to be passed over Steam browser protocol.
  3. Paste the following command: download_depot 318430 318431 4243961756251175415
  4. Wait for Steam to notify you it has finished downloading the depot. squishy_debug.png
  5. Navigate to a folder displayed in YOUR Steam console.
  6. Copy folders bin and mac
  7. Move them to a folder where current version of Squishy is installed and override all files.


After recent Steam updates, additional steps are required, as described in this image: steam_update_depot_garbage.png